It shall be the policy of the Bossier Parish School Board that the acceptance of new construction be withheld until completion is certified by the Superintendent of Schools.  Before any building or construction job is accepted by the Board as substantially complete, the architects and contractors shall notify the Superintendent at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the inspection of the construction and Board members shall be notified of this date and invited to view the construction before the final acceptance comes before the Board.  Any payments involved shall be reviewed at this time, and the Board, with advice of the architect, shall have final authorization for any payment.


No such certification shall be made until all contractual agreements have been met to an extent considered satisfactory under the Louisiana laws and the prescribed Board standards.




When construction and maintenance projects costing $50,000 and above, or such sum as the Board shall declare, are completed by other than School Board employees, the Bossier Parish School Board shall require, through its construction consultant, project architect or engineer, to inspect the completed project for defects at least two (2) times during the first year.  The findings of these inspections shall be used to ensure that the school system exercises its rights under the one-year warranty specified in the construction contract.  Inspections shall be held during the sixth (6th) and eleventh (11th) months.  Defects in workmanship or materials shall, within ten (10) days, be reported to the contractor requesting that the defect be repaired or replaced.  The contractor shall have sixty (60) days to honor the warranty.  Failure to honor the warranty shall result in notification to the School Board, the Superintendent, and the Board attorney of this failure.  The Board attorney shall pursue all legal recourse to see that the best interests of the school system and taxpayers are served.


The Superintendent or his/her designee shall notify the School Board, before the end of the one-year warranty period, that the requested inspections have been made, the findings of these inspections, and whether or not the contractor has met his or her contractual obligations.



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง17:81


Bossier Parish School Board