Cf:  IDA





The Bossier Parish School Board, in compliance with state law, has developed an abstinence-based Sex Education Curriculum that may be taught in 7th, 8th, and 10th grade.  The curriculum includes information about self-esteem, family communication, and peer pressure, as well as information on puberty, human reproduction, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases.


The nature of these studies shall be compatible with general goals and objectives of the junior high Life Science and the senior high Biology I programs.  The sex education unit may be taught as a three (3) week block in the seventh and tenth grade and as a six-day review in the eighth grade.  Students shall be separated by sex at the seventh and eighth grades and separated for some of the topics at the tenth grade.  Teachers shall receive in-service prior to using the Curriculum Guide and structured lessons.  Parents have the right to excuse their child from participating without penalty or loss of academic credit.


Revised:  November 5, 2020



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann ยง17:281

Board minutes, 11-5-20


Bossier Parish School Board