Title 42. Public Officers and Employees

Chapter 1-a. Open Meetings Law



42:17.2.1       Public body; member with a disability


A. Notwithstanding any provision of this Chapter that requires a member of a public body to be physically present in order to be counted for a quorum and to participate and vote in a meeting, a member of a public body who has a disability recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act shall be allowed to participate and vote in a meeting via electronic means as defined in R.S. 42:17.2. 


B. Each public body shall adopt rules, regulations, and procedures to facilitate the requirements of Subsection A of this Section. State agencies as defined by R.S. 49:951 shall promulgate the rules pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act. 


C. The provisions of Subsections A and B of this Section shall not apply to members of the legislature or any parish board of election supervisors. 


Added by Acts 2023, No. 393, ยง 1.